Friday, July 27, 2012

Reflections on Class (July 27th)

During class we looked at a number of online tools, that we should be able to utilize either now or once we  become professional teachers. We looked at Skype, Evernote, Dropbox, and Diigo in our small groups. Each one was interesting in its own way, but in general I felt that there was a lot of overlap between them. I have to say though, that despite learning all these new tools, I'm not really sure that I would use them. Not because they aren't useful, but because I love Google.
Even though the tools we looked at have some added advantages, Google is just so convenient. Google has some feature that will allow me to basically get the same results at all those different  websites. Right now, most of my documents are in Google Docs/Drive. That works for me instead of Drop Box and Evernote. Google talk/video chat will take the place of Skype for me and actually allows you to do something for free or cheaper than Skype. Okay so to not make this a plug for Google, I want to say why this is important.
For me, the less technology that I have to deal with, the better. I like using Google because I know that I can rely on one type of format and look at everything generally in one place. The amount of tools that we've been learning in class, never mind generally what's out there, is pretty overwhelming. The less I have to think about the tools themselves and finding them, the more time I can spend on making them useful for instruction.
I think I'm starting to get on board with the idea that technology is somewhat useful in the classroom, but that doesn't mean I want to sacrifice time just figuring out what to use. The fact that Google centralizes everything, makes it easier to focus on the use of technology versus just the stuff of technology. 
Of course that doesn't mean that down the line I won't change my mind. I am opening up to new ideas through this class, so maybe the added features will become more appealing once I'm in the classroom. For now though, I'm perfectly happy with Google, and I'm willing to bet that my students will probably get pretty comfortable with it too :) ... 


  1. You won't get any objections from this class about the power of Google! I often Google first to try to re-find something, too. But more and more, I get asked, "Do you have any great resources about ______?" and for that, I turn to my Diigo bookmarks.

    Have you seen this infographic on how to Google better?

    1. Thanks for this Kristin! I totally love it but I think I'm going to have to save it because I will probably forget a bunch of those tips. I am really happy about the "define:" tip though ... I'm always trying to find a definition on Google by just putting the word in search and that usually fails. I know this tip will definitely be helpful! Thanks again!!

  2. Rayhan! This is really cool what you have to say about Google. I mean, I knew Google was awesome but I didn't know that it had all of the awesome features that you described in your post. I definitely am curious to look into that! Honestly, if you are as comfortable as you are as Google, it totally makes sense that you have less curiosity to figure out how to use websites that do the same thing. If you already have one great way of doing things, then why take the time to learn another way?! Makes sense to me.

    I do think though that the bookmarking and highlighting was pretty freakin' cool on Diigo. It is hard for me because I really try to avoid reading off of my laptop, but the amount of paper it saves is so amazing. That was a big feature that really grabbed my interest with Diigo. I'm really curious to become more familiar with it and take advantage of all that it offers.

    I definitely feel you on the "sacrificing the time" that it takes to learn how to use these technologies, even though you are perfectly aware that technology can be useful in the classroom. The thing is, is like Kristin said one day in class, while we may not feel like we need all of this now, who knows what we might want to be using like 5 years down the road? I don't really love the idea of taking a lot of time to learn about technology. It is difficult for me to understand most of the time (haha). But I know I definitely don't want to be that teacher that knows less about technology than my students! That is probably going to be a huge source for my will to learn :)

    1. See Abigail, that's so interesting that you say that. I definitely feel that no matter what I do, my students will always know more about technology than I do. I think it's just inherent to aging (haha). That's not to say that as you get older you can't keep up with technology, but a younger person will grow up with it in a different way than you have. The same way that we may consider ourselves 'natives' of technology while our parents might not be, that happen to us as we age ... Our students will become natives in the advancements that happen in their own time while we will have to put more effort into learning them .. I think it's just a fact of life :D

  3. I agree with a lot of your points. The one stop shopping that google has to offer really gives it a big advantage. One log-in is really a godsend for me. Also, I agree that I would more likely use Evernote. Like you, I really like its layout and also the fact that you can actually create documents with it. I think dropbox has a time and place. Being a dropbox hero may still be in my future . . .

  4. Rayhan, like you I am often overwhelmed by the amount of tech and gadgetry available. I like to keep things simple, and if staying with Google keeps things simple for you, I say stay with it. A good tool is a versatile tool. Google + is definitely a, ahem, plus in many regards. As you mentioned it has an advantage over Skype in that it allows you to video conference with multiple people for free. Although it's free to Skype one on one with someone, you have to pay extra to Skype with multiple people at once.

    Like Foran I really enjoy Evernote. It pretty much let's me do multiple things with one tool, which is why I like it. I can add, change and rearrange documents. I can add audio, pictures, and links. And it has all the tools of the perfect organizer (I do love the handy dandy check boxes for checking off tasks). I prefer Evernote like you prefer Google. Sometimes, especially with technology, it's simpler, quicker, and easier to stick not only with one thing, but with the thing you know.

  5. Google is our master! It is tremendously useful in organizing documents and integrating a number of applications. I feel that Evernote and Diigo will eventually go the way of LiveJournal or Friendster. No one uses those applications again and if Evernote were to go bottoms-up I fear losing all of my data. Even google occasionally prunes certain features and applications, but they are always rolled into another product. None of the products offer anything that is amazingly more efficient and simple than google.

    I am slightly concerned about the dominance of google at the same time, which is sort of a catch 22. I just hope they keep attempting to do no evil, as is their motto.

  6. Yeah I'm kinda concerned about that too ... If i see an article that hints at the fact that google is acting shady i get really nervous ... partially because i'm like oh no here's another gigantic company that's trying to take over the world but also from a more selfish perspective i'm like oh no i don't want my favorite thing about the internet (well google and wikipedia) to be evil ... lets just hope that their better natures will win out =)

  7. I totally love google too! It shows you everything!!!! I do not quite understand the point of google + though. I too have trouble applying the evernote and dropbox and stuff like that to class. If someone can explain to me their usefulness where I think it may benefit me or my students then I may buy in, I'm flexible. Google is actually very applicable to the classroom when you really think about it, you can get so much from it.
